Oct 24

Catober, Day 16

Oct 24

I wonder if I could grade while on my bike …

I spent all day grading things. Well, until about 4 p.m. Then I had lunch. And then I went out for a bike ride, because there was about two hours of light left, and I didn’t want to spend all of the day inside.

It was a day that required a wind jacket and full fingered gloves. But the roads were quiet, and so were my tires. Past a certain point, at a certain speed, the hum of the Continentals takes on a different pitch. It can feel effortless, for a moment, and sound pro. It’s neither of those things, but you’re willing to fool yourself.

Only I didn’t do that today. It was just nice to be out. I did two laps of one of my regular circuits, a route designed to allow me to be within about six or seven miles or so of the house at all times. Just in case the sun set more quickly than anticipated. Because, websites and Farmer’s Almanacs notwithstanding, that great ball of hydrogen may have a mind all it’s own.

But you know what? I got in 25 miles when I somehow thought I’d have to go in after just getting 15 or so, but my lovely bride had a Zoom call, so I wasn’t worried about holding us up for dinner, and so I finished that second lap. It was 25 miles, and still technically daylight when I got back in.

Technically, I say, because I never mounted or turned on my headlight.

I was wearing light clothes, and we’re now suddenly in that time of year where the temperatures change quickly when the sun disappears, and I might not yet be mentally prepared for chilly weather, so I came in with no complaints.

Plus, I still had things to grade.

Still do. So I should get back to that now.

Oct 24

Catober, Day 15

Oct 24

Wasn’t that a beautiful weekend?

We only had the one night of aurora. That was Thursday. Friday night, the sky looked like it always does.

Which isn’t a knock on the night sky, but everyone would have enjoyed another light show.

The rest of these are just photos, and a video, from weekend bike rides, but don’t think of this as yet another bike riding post … well, I suppose you have to for this video. It was a road worth riding down slowly.


Think of it, instead, as a beautiful Saturday afternoon I got to enjoy. Watching you watering your sod …

Or letting a field sit for the weekend …

Or cutting your hay for winter …

Or imagine you sitting inside, wondering if you’d brought all of your equipment in, or left something out somewhere …

I asked my lovely bride if she’d like to go for a ride, just something easy to get outside for a while to enjoy another beautiful autumn day. She considered it, and agreed to an easy ride. I knew I was in trouble when I saw the steely look in her pretty eyes when she settled onto her aerobars.

It took a Strava segment PR and a second-best time on another near the end of the ride to stay in front of her.

To be fair, it was her THIRD workout of the day.

Oct 24

Catober, Day 14